'Record of Ragnarok' Season 1: Ending Explained "

Recap of 'Record of Ragnarok' Season 1: Ending Explained ",‘Record of Ragnarok’ Season 1 Summary,‘Thor Vs Lu Bu’: First battle Explained,Roles of Va
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"Norse mythology portrays Ragnarok as a catastrophic event that results in the death of many gods and humans. It's seen as a reset of the world where two humans emerge from the water to repopulate the land. The anime series 'Record of Ragnarok' follows a similar theme of destruction, but this time it's initiated by the gods who wish to wipe out humanity."

Recap of 'Record of Ragnarok' Season 1: Ending Explained "

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‘Record of Ragnarok’ Season 1 Summary

Every 1000 years, the gods gather at the council of Valhalla to evaluate humanity's existence for the next 1000 years. After 7 million years of observing human behavior, Zeus has determined to end it.

Brunhild, a half-god Valkyrie, interrupts before the statement to the council can be made. She contends that Ragnarok, a decisive conflict between the gods and humanity, is the only option to save humanity and that people deserves the chance to prove their value.

According to the constitution of Valhalla, Ragnarok is a one-on-one battle between humans and their creator, with the outcome determining the fate of humanity. Thirteen gods will face off against thirteen humans, and the side that wins seven battles first will be declared the victor. If humans come out on top, they will be granted an additional 1000 years of existence.

‘Thor Vs Lu Bu’: First battle Explained

Thor, the God of thunder and son of Odin, has gained widespread recognition after his appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). He is known as the protector of Asgard and wields the powerful hammer Mjollnir, which he used to defend Asgard from an attack by the Jötunheimr giants. As a result, he has become highly regarded and well-admired. Lu Bu was a human warrior known for his immense strength and was the ruler of the three kingdoms in Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan Commandery (modern-day Mongolia). Despite his search for a worthy opponent during his lifetime, he never found one. In the first battle of the Record of Ragnarok, Thor faced off against Lu Bu and many believed that Mjollnir would give Thor the upper hand. However, Brunhild had other plans and to empower the human warriors, she gave Lu Bu a weapon. Randgriz, one of the 13 Valkyries, transformed into a halberd for Lu Bu to use in the battle against Thor.

Despite being armed with a weapon from Brunhild, Lu Bu was no match for Thor. In the final moments of their battle, Thor used his ultimate technique "Geirrod Thor's hammer," while Lu Bu used his "Sky Eater." However, Thor was able to overpower Lu Bu, destroying his body and soul. Lu Bu finally found what he had been searching for in life: a worthy opponent and peace. The Valkyrie Randgriz also perished with Lu Bu.

“Zeus Vs Adam”: Second battle Explained

In the second battle of the Record of Ragnarok, Zeus, the father of the gods, faced off against Adam, the father of all humans. Zeus was known as the Godfather of the Cosmos and was famous for his victory in the Titanomachy, a fierce battle between the Olympian gods and the Titans. After the war, Zeus killed his father, Cronus, to take the throne of Mount Olympus. The story of Adam and Eve is well-known, where they were banished from paradise for eating the forbidden fruit. Since then, Adam held resentment towards God. However, he was a reflection of the gods and had the ability to mimic their powers. To make the battle more intense, Reginleif, the daughter of the gods and the seventh of the 13 Valkyries, transformed into iron knuckles to give Zeus a more challenging fight.

In the end, despite his best efforts to protect his children, Adam was unable to defeat Zeus. His body became overheated from mimicking Zeus's final transformation, "Adamas," causing him to fade away and resulting in another victory for the gods. This also caused Reginleif, who had transformed into iron knuckles, to perish.

“Poseidon Vs Kojiro Sasaki”: Third Battle Explained

Kojiro is a human swordsman who is considered an underdog and a loser. Despite this, he is a formidable opponent and has a fighting spirit that makes him a fan favorite in the Record of Ragnarok series. Poseidon, the ruler of the seas and brother of Zeus, is known as Zeus Enalios or "Zeus of the Ocean." He values individuality and has never struggled for anything, being born supreme. He is feared among the gods as a "God-killer" for killing his own elder brother, Adamas, who threatened Zeus' throne. According to Brunhild, there were originally 13 gods, but history was rewritten to only mention 12 after Poseidon killed Adamas, as Zeus didn't want the mention of his rebellious brother.

Kojiro, despite being born a loser, never gave up and continued to strive for improvement. He trained for 400 years after his death and eventually became known as "The Number One Under the Sun." Kojiro was a swordsman who trained during his time on earth. He was not interested in competing with others and instead trained alone to improve himself. He battled against skilled samurai and learned their techniques but chose to surrender rather than let them kill him. He would then replay the battles in his mind until he had won. Throughout his life, Kojiro learned from his favorite masters, but never won a single battle. He sought out opponents he was no match for and continued to lose, until his battle against the god Poseidon. Kojiro used all the abilities and strategies he had learned during his life to combat Poseidon. His previous trainers stood by his side during the battle as a sign of respect and admiration for his personal development. The speaker also intended to draw attention to another element of the Battle.

Kojiro asks a question to Poseidon during their battle, asking if he has ever experienced the struggles and hardships of a mortal warrior. He points out that, being a supreme god born with power, Poseidon would never have gone through these challenges. This contrast between the experiences of a god and a mortal is what makes the series "Record of Ragnarok" so unique and captivating. Gods are like a straight line with no end, but humans go through ups and downs, failures and victories, which shape their character and make them more interesting.

Kojiro, with the support and techniques from all his masters, was able to defeat Poseidon and ultimately killed him by delivering fatal wounds and cutting off his head. This marked the first time in history where a mortal defeated a god.

Roles of Valkyries in 'Record Of Ragnarok' explained

Brunhild, the head Valkyrie, was instrumental in preventing the destruction of humanity. She had a strong dislike for gods who abused their power and caused harm to life. In order to save humankind, she proposed the idea of Ragnarok and actively participated in the battle.
In Norse mythology, the Valkyries were responsible for guiding the souls of fallen humans to Valhalla, the afterlife hall of the slain. They had the power to determine the fate of these souls, deciding whether they would go to heaven or hell. In the series "Record of Ragnarok," the Valkyries take on a different role. They assist humans in their battles against the gods, transforming themselves into weapons for the humans to use. This ability is referred to as "Divine Treasure Forge" or "Volundr."

Ending credits of the first season of "Record of Ragnarok".

In the fourth battle of Ragnarok, Zeus chooses his strongest warrior, Hercules, to fight against Jack the Ripper from Earth. The battle will take place in an arena designed to resemble 19th century London, which was Jack's personal request. This fight will be explored further in the second season of "Record of Ragnarok". Before the battle announcement, Goll, Brunhild's youngest sister, sees her with Hermes, one of the 12 gods. This mysterious interaction raises questions about Brunhild's true motives for opposing the gods, and suggests that there could be a scheme in place, possibly orchestrated by Hermes who is frustrated with Zeus's focus on war and destruction. The cliffhanger will be explored in the upcoming season. At the end of Season 1 of "Record of Ragnarok", humans have won 1 battle while the gods have won 2. In order to save themselves from destruction, mankind must win 6 more battles. Every match will be crucial in the upcoming second season. "Record of Ragnarok" is a 2021 anime series based on the manga of the same name. It is available to stream on Netflix.

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