Record of Ragnarok Season 2 is the continuation of the popular anime series "Record of Ragnarok". It is based on the manga series of the same name and follows the story of a battle between gods and humans to determine the fate of humanity. In season 2, the competition between gods and humans continues as every match counts in the fight to save mankind from annihilation. The cliffhanger from season 1, involving Brunhild and Hermes, will also be explored further. Scroll down to watch season 2 in one click
At the conclusion of season one of "Record of Ragnarok", three of the thirteen battles have taken place with the gods holding a lead of two victories and one defeat. The second season covers the fourth and fifth fights. In this article, all the important details regarding the end of "Record of Ragnarok" season two will be discussed. Please be advised, the information provided will contain spoilers.
Record of Ragnarok Season 2 Recap
The ONA centers around the idea that every 1000 years, gods from different belief systems come together at the Council of Valhalla to determine the future of humans, who have lived on Earth for 7 million years and have multiplied rapidly. Despite being given the world by the gods, humans have become greedy, selfish, and morally corrupt.
Now, humans' existence on Earth endangers all other forms of life, with numerous species disappearing each year. Despite being given another 1000 years at the last Valhalla Council, the gods are now considering extermination. The Chairman of the Council, Zeus, and leader of the gods, wants to eliminate humanity and his proposal is met with approval from the other gods. However, Brunhilde, the top Valkyrie, convinces the gods to agree to a competition to determine the fate of humanity by appealing to their pride.
Season 2 features the fourth fight between Hercules, who was once a man but became a god, and Jack the Ripper, a well-known English serial killer from the 1800s. The fifth fight involves Raiden Tameemon, a prominent Sumo wrestler, against Shiva. Later, Zeus informs Buddha that he will be fighting in the next match. Buddha attends the arena but then decides to turn against the gods and switch sides.
Record of Ragnarok Season 2 Ending : Score
In the first season, two characters, Randgriz and Reginleif, die following the defeats of Lü Bu and Adam. In the second season, Valkyrie Hlökk begrudgingly joins forces with Jack the Ripper. She transforms into gloves for him, giving him the ability to turn anything he touches in a Victorian London-inspired arena into a powerful divine weapon. Jack ultimately wins his match against Hercules through the use of a technique called Dear God. Despite the opportunity to kill each other, Hercules embraces Jack before passing away.
The fifth match features Thrud, one of the Valkyries, partnering with Raiden. She transforms into his mawashi, a type of loincloth worn by Sumo wrestlers during matches, which is made of flesh and bone. This allows Raiden to better control his muscles and use all of his strength. Despite putting up a strong fight and even causing significant damage to Shiva, they are ultimately unable to defeat the god. Shiva kills Raiden with a move called Deva Loka. Before his death, Raiden asks Thrud to leave his body so that she can survive, but she declines, choosing instead to die with the man she has grown to love. At the end of the fifth match, the gods are leading the score 3-2.
Post-credits scene at the end of season 2 Explained
After Shiva's victory in the fifth bout, Zeus approaches Buddha. He informs Buddha that although he initially intended to use him in a later match, he will now be fighting in the next bout. Although Buddha appears to accept this, in a post-credits scene in season 2, he arrives at the arena and unexpectedly announces that he will fight on behalf of the humans and challenges any gods to face him.
Buddha is one of the few gods who objects to the extermination of humanity. He also openly defies the authority of other gods, including Zeus. This likely stems from his identity as a rebel in the Dharmic pantheons, one who challenges traditional societal practices. The Norse god of mischief, Loki, realizes that Buddha is the traitor and confronts him earlier in the season.
Before the start of Ragnarok, Brunhilde sought knowledge from Buddha about the principle of common destiny, known as Samavadhāna, which is crucial in the Völundr bond. In the manga's sixth round, Buddha fought against Bishamonten, the Shinto god of war, who later joined with other gods to become Zerofuku, the deity of misfortune. After two dragons consumed Zerofuku, a new opponent appeared to challenge Buddha and introduced himself as Hajun.
Reason behind Brunhilde helping humans explained
Brunhilde is a complex character - she is known for her cruelty, cunning, and revengeful nature. But she also possesses a strong capacity for love, particularly for her sisters and the Einherjar, feeling sorrow over those who fall in Ragnarok's battles. She holds a general animosity towards gods, making her an ideal ally of Buddha. Brunhilde is helping humanity in an effort to shield them from the gods and provide them with a peaceful and prosperous future for another thousand years. Despite acknowledging that humans have flaws and that their actions have damaged the world, she believes they do not deserve destruction.