BUSINESS ETHICS ON IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON SOCIETY ,There are different types of advertising which can be used by the companies to market their p
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What are the effects of advertisement and impacts on society?

Advertisement is a powerful communication force, highly, and one of the most important  tools of marketing communication that helps to sell products, services, ideas and images, etc.  Advertisement is one of the important parts of any company for marketing and  communication processes and it is one of the oldest forms of marketing whose basic goal is to  provide the message about the product to its target audience. It is basically to convince people  to buy products.  

Image showing example of advertisement

According to Kotler – “Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation &  promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.” 

American Marketing Association – “Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal  presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor.”  

It seems almost impossible to remain totally neutral and not take any notice of modern-day advertising. The most visible part of the advertising process is the advertisements that we see,  read, or hear and praise or criticize. Basically, advertisement is done for, 

To increase support and find new  customers in new area, 

To maintain loyalty among customers, 

To protect and uplift brand image 

To inform and communicate with  


Advertising generally includes the  following forms of medium: 

i. Newspapers and magazines; 

ii. Digital marketing (Email, social media) 

iii. Dealer help materials, 

iv. Store signs, motion pictures used for advertising, 

v. Novelties bearing advertising messages and signature of the advertiser.

Materials and Method 

Advertising is the promotion of a company’s products and services through different mediums to increase the sales of the product and services. It works by making the customer aware of the product and by focusing on the customer's need to buy the  product. 

There are different types of advertising which can be used by the companies to market  their product.  

Print Advertising: - The newspapers and magazines are quite popular modes of  advertising for different companies all over the world. Using the print media, the  companies can also promote their products through brochures and fliers. The  newspaper and magazines sell the advertising space and the cost depends on several  factors. 

Broadcast Advertising: - Broadcast advertising is the advertising of services or  products that uses out-of-home mediums to reach broad audiences: i.e., T.V., Radio,  Billboards, etc. The cost of the advertisement depends on the length of the ad and the  time at which the ad would be appearing. 

Outdoor Advertising: - Outdoor advertising is when a business runs an advertising  campaign in specific geographic locations that reaches the prospects and potential  consumers when they are outside their home. Outdoor advertising may use different  tools such as Billboards, Restaurant ads, Transit ads or others. 

Covert Advertising: - Covert Advertising, as the name suggests, refers to  advertisement where the main item endorsed is hidden behind another media. This  form of advertisement is best suited for television and movies. For example, Samsung  brand phones are mostly advertised in Korean dramas and Tv shows.  

Public service advertising: - It is designed to inform the public on issues that frequently appear in society. It gives the public a message and makes people aware of what is the right thing to do. Impactful advertisement examples include, “Friends Don’t Let  Friends Drive Drunk,” “A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste” and "Love Has No  Labels." 

Impact of Advertisement in the Society 

Advertising performs many functions in society such as giving information about the  product, influencing and targeting the attitudes and behaviors of customers by using different  media outlets to capture their attention. Whether advertising is good or bad for society  unless someone is a hermit and does not watch TV, movies, read newspapers, magazines, or  journals, listen to radio, or surf the web they will be affected by advertisement.  

Positive impact of advertisement in society 

Advertisements made are for public service advertisement, many public service  announcements run messages about health, safety and national security are done  through advertisements using various different tools. 

Advertising also helps customers find the product that’s best for them. When they get  to know about the range of products, they are able to compare and buy what is best for  them; 

Advertisement encourages companies to compete and provide products in the different types of market and also it is helpful in creating more jobs, which will  beneficial for overall society; 

Advertisement creates competitiveness among the companies in the market, because that company seeks to improve the quality of product at a lower price. Which in  the end benefit society overall; 

Advertisement helps to convey product news all over the place in a fast and easy  manner which provides an option for consumers to choose from different options, and  improve their daily living style.

Negative impact of advertisement in society 

Because of globalization, advertisements are all over the place. No one can really avoid  them in the modern world. While there are some positive and negative effects that  advertising has on society. 

Advertisement heavily promotes consumerism which means purchase of goods for  personal satisfaction and economic stimulation. Advertisements encourage us to buy  that kind of product which we don’t need. The majority of advertisements promote the  fact that buying more stuff will make you happier. But this consumerist lifestyle is  what is actually ruining your life. 

Advertisement aims to present a product in the best light possible. But some of the  companies are falsely representing a product in their advertisement which is  unrealistic and fraud, 

Advertisement affect children, because on TV there are too many advertisements  between TV shows that children watch every day. A lot of companies are  promoting harmful products, soft drinks, and alcohol to them.  

It promotes harmful products in the society which make many people addicted toward  alcohol and smoking.  

Advertising plays an essential role in the production of consumerist demand by  inventing false “needs” and by stimulating the formation of compulsive consumption  habits, totally violating the conditions for maintenance of planetary ecological  equilibrium. 

Lots of advertisements can make you feel bad about yourself, it tells how you should  look perfect which makes people take pills or wear makeup to make yourself  look pretty. 


Advertisement is one of the best ways to inform and communicate with your customers. It  can be done in the traditional way such as newspaper, radio, and TV and it could be  done in the modern way which is digital marketing. Advertisement directly and indirectly affects the society as a whole. It could affect the society both positively and negatively. It has the  ability to influence the customers to buy or do something. From the company perspective it  helps to reach out to the new customers, improve quality of product and communicate with  the customers easily. And when it comes to the consumers it helps consumers to choose  products from the different alternatives, making them aware about the product and services. 

Advertisement gives us a various information about the product and service but it also  empties your bank account for something that will not make you happy. It will make you  compare with others, encourages to buy harmful products, affect our mental health and  environment. In short advertisement can control all our daily life behaviors and makes us do  what they want which is not good. So, we have to ignore the advertisements that give fake  information and keep yourself aware and to believe everything they say to be true. 

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