Why BlogSpot posts are not getting indexed by Google after spam update ?

Why BlogSpot posts are not getting indexed by Google after spam update ?Has Google stopped indexing BlogSpot posts? ,Is it compulsion to buy premium
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Crawling and indexing may be familiar to you if you are familiar with how search engine bots operate. Let me explain if not.

First of all you should understand that Google makes no promises or assurances that they will crawl or index your website.

For Google to become aware of your blog, you must continue to update and publish new posts. Google must evaluate each site differently in terms of information and popularity since it has a certain number of resources available to crawl, index, and rank your website.

Why BlogSpot  posts are not getting indexed by Google after spam update ?

Why is Google not indexing the content on your blog after spam update?

Well, there are a lot of reasons why Google isn't indexing your content. I've also included measures you may do in the next portion of this article to make sure your posts get indexed. First of all you must make sure your posts are not getting indexed although you are regularly post blogs and manually submitting links in google search console. After the spam update many websites are almost removed from google search results completely and traffic are reduced to zero. This happens to those websites, which solely focuses on ranking by different means like bot traffic, Keyword stuffing and scraping information from other websites. 

Google Spam Update has most adversely affected to the BlogSpot websites. We are getting many information about BlogSpot posts are not getting indexed to google and all other posts are removed from ranking list and nowhere to be found.

Has Google stopped indexing BlogSpot posts? 

The simple answer is No. Read below for more information.

Is it compulsion to buy premium domain to get ranked?

It is one of the major factor which assists your website to rank in google but is not compulsion, as we have many BlogSpot websites ranked at top. But you must choose a niche that has very little competition and high searches.

Before we get conclusion to above mentioned questions, we should analyze the various reasons due to which BlogSpot posts are not getting indexed after Google Spam Update:

1. You are posting your Blogs irregularly

For each website, Google allots a crawl budget and a crawl time. Google bots base their crawl time on how frequently you make content if you are one of those people. It can take a few days before search engine spiders decide to crawl your website once more if, on the other hand, you produce content at random intervals throughout the course of days or months. One of the main causes of your content not being indexed is due to this.

2.You have not submitted sitemap in Google search Console

Although this is the most fundamental, occasionally even professional webmasters miss it. The indexing might be a problem if your sitemap is not published to Google Search Console. Additionally, Google may have trouble finding the new posts if your sitemap does not include them.

3. Google Bots cannot reach your posts

Google uses internal connections, related post links, links in blog menus, and backlinks in addition to sitemaps to efficiently scan a website. Now, if your most recent postings aren't linked from anyplace and bots can't discover them, that may be detrimental.

There may be more factors, but in the majority of cases, these are the ones that prevent your content from being indexed by Google.

4. Your site is too large to crawl

Usually, this occurs on large websites or social websites. Similar to crawl time, Google determines a crawl budget for a site. Because of the size of your site, Google's crawl budget is exceeded at the time of the crawl, which affects the crawling of new articles.

What is the average time taken to get post indexed by Google?

It might take a few days to a few weeks to start crawling. Be patient and keep an eye on things by utilizing the URL Inspection tool or the Index Status report. Requesting a crawl does not ensure that your site will be included in search results right away or at all.

As for my experience, My posts used to take almost a week to get indexed when my website was new. Now it is almost a year and my posts gets indexed within 2 hours but it varies and some post takes even more than a week. Hence, the average time taken to get post indexed by Google is 2 days to a week.

How To Get Indexed Faster in Google Search?

The Google search console's URL inspection tool is the most effective method.

Google will grade your blog based on its regularity of posts, the quantity of backlinks, etc.

If you have duplicate content on older blogs and are still having indexing issues, check to see if it is internal or external.

Do not rely on sitemaps either. They are not required. Ensure that all of the material can be found using normal links.

Please let us know when Google bots finish indexing and crawling your blog. Have you recently experienced indexing problems? Share your experience down in the comment section!

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